Without a doubt, some of the most interesting places are those that are on the roads less traveled. These photographs attempt to tell the story of those places but can never replace those actual pieces of history experienced in person.

I would have ideally liked to do a square book for this project but, most of my pictures are rectangular instead of square so I think the Large Landscape book will work better. I would like to work with premium paper on this book as well and make it a hard back book. It will definitely have text so I can tell the story of these pictures, the font will probably look like a font of a handwriting style. I am still debating whether I want to do a purely black and white book, only color, or both. The print standards look like they may only do one or the other. I want the book to look nostalgic but some of the colored pictures are really beautiful as well. I would appreciate any feedback ..thanks.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Book Covers

I think I want to use to same pictures for front and back on all of them except I would put "bykendaforbes" on the back of each one for the author. Sorry I got these up late...I lost some of my pictures on my computer :(


  1. Dig it! Like the font and text to the side. Nice shots, I like em' as they are kind of curious how they'd look saturated but I'm totally behind the covers.

  2. I like the middle cover, the image is strong and I like the title. It is a very smart title. I would make the text bigger though and maybe change the font a bit.

  3. I love the first one. I'm not sure why really but it just catches my eye. It's kind of cutesy if that makes sense.. i just really like it. Only little thing is that the word "these" blends in just a bit but its not a big deal.

  4. I'm having trouble picking just one I think is the best. All are interesting and all are lovely photographs. Your font seems odd. Maybe simplify the font.

  5. I agree with Drew. Awesome pictures, I think I like the middle one best though for a cover.

  6. i agree with changing the font choice. i like the elegant font choice but maybe another font would suit this better. i honestly am caught between 2 and 3. I THINK 3 WOULD BE AWESOME IF YOU HAD CREATED A STORE SIGN ABOVE THE DOOR FOR THE TITLE. i dont know if thats what you were going for in that one but if you tweak it here and there it'd be a great cover.

  7. The middle image strikes me as the strongest to work with for a cover, as well as the colors within it. Not sure about having the same imagery for front and back, unless you reduce the alpha on the back and make it more like a watermark, and then add info about the book and the author. Just an idea. Keep working!

  8. I love the second one but I need the title to be more out there because I thought it didn't even have the title on it. The last one throws off my balance but I like the contrast between the bar door and the nice antique shop looking door.

  9. I feel that the first image is the strongest as it looks regional, the other two look as if they could be anywhere, ya know--the yellow almost looks like Italy!

    The only thing is the font. I think the placement works but it gets lost in the image due to the color. Try a bunch of Fonts and Colors--and I did this title.


  10. I really like the first image for the cover, but maybe a different font for the title. I'd like the see the second image as the back cover.
