Without a doubt, some of the most interesting places are those that are on the roads less traveled. These photographs attempt to tell the story of those places but can never replace those actual pieces of history experienced in person.

I would have ideally liked to do a square book for this project but, most of my pictures are rectangular instead of square so I think the Large Landscape book will work better. I would like to work with premium paper on this book as well and make it a hard back book. It will definitely have text so I can tell the story of these pictures, the font will probably look like a font of a handwriting style. I am still debating whether I want to do a purely black and white book, only color, or both. The print standards look like they may only do one or the other. I want the book to look nostalgic but some of the colored pictures are really beautiful as well. I would appreciate any feedback ..thanks.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Ok...so I have no idea how in the hell to pull my book out of blurb for critique other than just doing screen shots so here they are and I hope they are good enough for everyone to tell what I'm doing.  I am still plugging in the rest of the information from the blog that I wrote on the history of these places but i'm almost finished researching them.


  1. It's coming together, and I can appreciate the stories attached to the images, especially for those unfamiliar with the area. My only question is if the images will be larger, covering more of the page, as these seem to be fairly small. Good work and good luck!

  2. It looks very historical for some reason (which works). I think you were right in choosing your images and sizes and also the amount of text and type face that you chose. It looks very clean, professional and thoughtout. definatly something I would expect to see for sale in a historic area!

  3. Great looking so far! and about the screenshots I have to do the same thing. I was wondering if you were going to put in text but you said some of the history was going to be placed in the text boxes. I like the layout because it reminds me of photo documentation but its very beautiful.

  4. I'll agree it does have a historical tinge to it. But very professional and well done. Stories are the shit, happy that you're incorporating them.

  5. the screen shots work just fine! I agree that the photos could be slightly large. They are just so well done! The stories work so well. Great job Lady! So professional!

